

Voel jij dat de visie van Heel-Wijs bij jullie en jullie kind past? Dan kun je dit kenbaar maken met de onderstaande intentieverklaring. Let op! Dit is nog geen aanmelding. Voor onze planning is het belangrijk om in kaart te brengen wie de intentie heeft om zijn of haar kind naar Heel-Wijs te laten gaan.

Wij gebruiken de ingevulde gegevens alleen voor intern gebruik en delen deze met niemand. De aanmeldprocedure is als volgt:

1. Intentieverklaring: de ouders tekenen deze verklaring.

2. Eerste kennismakingsgesprek
In dit korte gesprek met alle ouders of verzorgers en kinderen is er gelegenheid tot het stellen van vragen. Ook kunnen wensen kenbaar gemaakt worden en krijgt het gezin een rondleiding. We bekijken of de wensen en behoeften van ouders en kind(eren) matchen met de mogelijkheden binnen en de visie van Heel-Wijs.

3. Second introductory meeting
Does the first introductory meeting take place with not all parents or caregivers? Or without the presence of the children? Then a second introductory meeting takes place with the missing family members. We think it is very important to have seen and spoken to all parents or caregivers and children before continuing the procedure.

4. Questionnaire
Do both parties want to continue with the intake procedure? Then we send a questionnaire by e-mail. The family fills it in together and emails the list back to us. The parent contribution table is also included as an attachment.
After receiving the questionnaire, we will contact the parents or caregivers within a week. We then schedule an in-depth introductory meeting.

5. Heart & Soul talk
During this conversation there is an opportunity to ask questions from both sides. For example, in response to the introduction, about the questionnaire, after studying the website and documents. We take the to discuss the latest doubts, uncertainties and stumbling blocks. Honesty, openness and mutual trust are necessary to make an informed decision.

6. Test run
In consultation we plan a test week. In this week, the child will fully participate in our school for three days. Afterwards, the team will discuss this week after. We discuss the outcome of this conversation with the parents again, after which we make a final decision with a possible placement as a result.

7. Register
Then the actual registration is there! We start the registration procedure with the intake. We discuss issues such as the transfer from the previous school, the parental contribution and the signing of the contract. We also coordinate the official start date.

Statement of Intent