What is IKC?

Childcare, primary school, and after-school care under one roof.

An Integrated Child Center (IKC) is an environment where everyone works together from one vision, one team, and one plan. At Wijs, we follow children from 2 to 13 years old in a continuous line, allowing each child to develop at their own pace.

Children spend the entire day in one familiar place within our IKC, where they see the same faces and experience the same agreements and structure. This promotes a sense of safety and tranquility, which is essential for their development.

What makes Wise unique is that we combine two specialties: Health & Education. We provide space for care requests from families and collaborate with various experts to offer children the right support. Preventive care is an integral part of our offering, with a focus on health.

We strongly believe in the influence of healthy nutrition on children's energy, concentration, and mood. Therefore, we offer an hour each day for children from the daycare and primary school to prepare and enjoy a healthy lunch together with the cook, followed by cleaning up together. This creates a home-like atmosphere at school and promotes healthy eating habits.

All meals are freshly prepared, whenever possible with organic ingredients from our own garden. Throughout the day, we also provide water and lukewarm tea as beverages.


Health & Education

We have chosen to make treats at school the responsibility of the birthday child and the cook. By integrating a healthy hot meal into our program every day, we reduce the pressure on parents to put a meal on the table in the evening and ensure that children receive enough vegetables and fruits, contributing to overall cost savings for the family.

At Wise, flexibility and tranquility are central. Therefore, we adhere to fixed drop-off and pick-up times for the entire IKC (daycare, primary school, and after-school care). Parents subscribe to a total package where children are welcome 52 weeks a year, 4 days a week between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, including after-school activities, swimming lessons, and catering. Parents have the freedom to schedule personal days off and vacations according to their own preferences, providing flexibility and cost savings.